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Day 15: DEMONIC FALL HARVEST. The soul of a vegan, who while they were very fit, they did kill a lot of innocents. He now possesses a collection of vegetables, with two gourds (plus tomato thumbs) as fits to pummel, many people will be buried in the PATCH. Tastes like sin.
Day 14: THE MEAN GREENIE. The Mean Greenie is an entity who is entirely green all over. He uses his green-ness to hide and sneak around in the grass to get their day to day schemes done. Although, only he believes he is hidden, as the large hump back he has is VERY apparent.
Day 13: MERSHELLS. Mershells are a species of aquatic people closely related to crustaceans like crabs or shrimp. As they grow, their blue, body covering shells will morph and change to fit who they are in life. This often acts as a very frequent part of Mershell culture.
Day 12: THE CACTUS MILKER. An entity who, for consumption purposes, "milks" cacti of the Nevada Desert for their inner cactus milk. They do this with their bare hand. If they ever find anyone dehydrated and dying in the sand, they will share some of their goods to the stranger.
Day 10: BIRD OF PARADISE. The all time god of relaxation and vacations. If you ever get knocked out on the shuffleboard floor and wake up on a cruise ship in the clouds, you are worthy. He will give you stress relief tips, good soup recipes, and a LOT of post-divorce advice.
Day 9: COUNTERFIET LION. An alien who crashed on earth from outerspace doesn't have any idea how to survive, how to live on this bizarre new realm. So upon seeing these hairy beasts being fed fresh meat and food, it seemed that it found a rather appealing solution.
Day 8: HUGO HEADES. Hugo was always pushed around for having a hideous, disgusting head. As a form of revenge against the world, he now collects the heads of people around him, and attaches them to himself using "appendages" in order to have a head prettier than his own.
Day 7: CREEK PROTECTOR. People often like to catch frogs out of creeks and hold them with their dry, bare hands. This hurts the frog, which angers the spirit of the creek, causing them to jump out at people and get them to drop that dumb net! They are constantly sopping wet.
Day 6: LANKENSTEIN. After being stitched together and brought to life on a stone table, the first thing he heard was disco music playing on the radio. Ever since then, instead of a killer beast, Lankenstein dedicated his life to clubbing, trying to use his charms to get ladies.
Day 5: STONECUTTER'S SPIDER. This rare species of spider lives far off in the rockiest mountains, using it's birth assigned tools to sculpt the scariest of rock sculptures in order to scare away predators that may try to eat it's young. In bug-speak, they have a New York accent.