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One of the great unknowns of Art History, Stanslow Lepri (1905-1980). "Creator of utterly strange, metaphysical extra-worlds" he was "closely connected to artist Leonor Fini - "but was by no means merely her student." She painted a double self portrait of them together (pic.4)
The Last days of the Cold War. Mikhail Romadin (1940-2012) painted the unique concept art for Andrei Tarkovsky's Solaris (1972). In the 80s he created images that captured the restless desire for change within the USSR before the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of Communism.
Pt.2. Jodorowsky's DUNE (1970s) didn't happen but 40 years later Ridley Scott re-used some of the images HR.Giger created for it - in Prometheus. They became stone relics forgotten by time - rediscovered on the alien planet.
@mrsambarlow @jurieongames Yes Ridley Scott used 2 images from Giger Dune in promethetus - as far as I know:
Pt.4. There are 707 Beksiński artworks at this website. Every one of them is "untitled". Beksiński said: "It misses the point to ask me what scenes in my paintings 'mean'. Simply, I do not know, myself. Moreover, I am not at all interested in knowing" https://t.co/e3ho9EELSV
The biggest sci-fi epic NEVER made. Ten years before David Lynch, director A.Jodorowsky attempted to make the film DUNE with designs by H.R Giger (Alien). $2 million was blown on a 14-hour long script & the studio abandoned it. This is the forgotten concept art of Dune by Giger
Pt. 2. Zdzisław Beksiński (1929-2005) painter of dystopian surrealist landscapes said, "I wish to paint in such a manner as if I were photographing dreams". He "abhorred silence, and always listened to classical music while painting."
Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) - poet & artist. Plath's drawings date from the years (1955-58) just after she had electroconvulsive therapy following her 1st suicide attempt – the period that inspired The Bell Jar. Her letters to Ted Hughes at this time express her joy at art making
Dr. Faustus was a real person. J.G Faust (1466-1541) was a wandering magician, astrologer, “sodomite & necromancer” who could "reproduce Christ's miracles". He died in an alchemical explosion - "Grievously mutilated"- a sign that the devil had come to collect his soul in person.
The grandparents of Goth. The Decadent Movement extolled self-disgust, sickness at the world, drugs, perversion & vulgar humour. It began with Baudelaire in the 1850s & ended at the turn of 20th C with the death of its icons: Felicien Rops, Wilde & Huysmans. Govt tried to ban it