

Cheers luv, I'm Just some weird dude that likes to draw ponies and cute Anime girls | Media desing student | Passionate gamer | Full time Weeb | 20% Cooler

フォロー数:488 フォロワー数:85

The only person that can defeat Wide Putin

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Drew best bunny Peko-chan for bunny day!!

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Heyyy I'm Fera and with my like 70 followers I definitely qualify for the lol
I like to draw cute girls and cute stuff in general.
Sadly I'm overwhelmed with Uni assignments currently so I couldn't draw much the past months D:

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It's almost 9 am. Time to go to bed lol

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I love my smol monster girl!
Well, until I have to make a 3d model of her and have to animate it. Then I'll probably feel some hatred I have never felt before lmao

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Sneaked myself into the tags from

Lock screen, home screen, last song listened, 15th pic on my camera roll (bottom left and top right video fit perfect together lmao)

I'mma tag: and everyone else who wants.

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Here is a little sketch that I drew while lurking in the stream. Hope you had an awesome day!!

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