

Cheers luv, I'm Just some weird dude that likes to draw ponies and cute Anime girls | Media desing student | Passionate gamer | Full time Weeb | 20% Cooler

フォロー数:488 フォロワー数:85

Do I need to say more?

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Turned 's Megumi into a catgirl for

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Just had the thought that in the area of Germany I'm living at another way of saying hello is a long "Naaaa" wich I'm using quite often when talking to friends. This means I'm part Nanachi xD

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Also this is still my favourite hair I have ever drawn. All these waves and curves.

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I've been on memory lane and looked trough a lot of my old stuff. God damn, I hate self praise but holy shit, I've been pretty good at rendering a few years ago, I mean look at this, there is some actual depth to it. Oh how do I miss this golden time before I became a lazy fuck.

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Day 8: ⑨Baka⑨

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Day 6: Giant ponytail Taiga

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5: shading
6: Color adjustments

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