

Cheers luv, I'm Just some weird dude that likes to draw ponies and cute Anime girls | Media desing student | Passionate gamer | Full time Weeb | 20% Cooler

フォロー数:488 フォロワー数:85

Day 4: Gabu isn't amused...

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Day 3: Nico-nii!!
Still have to watch Love Live😭

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I think I noticed that a few years ago but forgot it and now I'm mindblown again lmao.
Time to get this into my brain for good xD

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Day 2
Megumin is up for a fight!
Perspective drawing is hard 😭

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Decided to draw a sketch like this daily to get more consistent.
For today it's Emilia in a sailor uniform cuz why not!

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Quick Sakuya warmup sketch. She is definitely the hardest boss for me in Touhou EoSD.
Practicing working with different line weight and hatching. Also trying a different mouth design

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My smol monster is a little pouncer

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Watched the directors cut from Re: Zero today and Emilia is still the best girl from that Anime!! You can't change my mind on that.

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The two moods my brain is limited to currently.
There is no inbetween.
It's like a turf war.
Snap, the big sad is here now bitch, time to overthink everything

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Wold be a super fluffy drink tho

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