

Hello, Im a Random Artist on the internet.
Call me Latinx = Inmediate Block

フォロー数:1084 フォロワー数:1671

GUYS I FORGOT TO SAY THIS, we need a coder and a bg artist, im sorry to not say that earlier, but well, if you are interested in this project, pls contact me on discord (Mr.RandomUser#9855), the instructions and indications (for coders) are below

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HEY YOU! We need your help for the Sonic mod, if you are a chromatic maker and you are interested on this project, please contact me on Discord (Mr.RandomUser#9855) with some of your work, so we can see if you can help with this mod

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Satam/Classic Sonic Arts/ Yuji Uekawa (SA1)/ American Arts.

5 25

Ok so... While i was testing with Paint Tool Sai, i did this fanart of Noise, i hope you guys like it :)

8 21

Well, his setting would be like Knothole Village but destroyed, with gray tones, something like places conquered by Robotnik in Sonic SatAM (I hope to explain well)

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