

Breaking down and studying all facets of one of the oldest and greatest characters in comics: Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing.

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Yes, the King Shark book is in continuity. You didn't see the statue before because it wasn't a plot point in the Nightwing book, it's just shown up in this week's King Shark.

The people of Blüdhaven know about Nightwing, and noticed his absence before in previous issues.

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Blüdhaven is as cool a name for a fictional city as there can be. It's been Gotham's wicked stepsister, an old whaling town, and DC's Atlantic City. They've even given it some new landmarks like the Justice Tree. I'm hoping DC can make the city fit Nightwing like Gotham & Batman.

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Phil Jimenez draws my favorite Nightwing, I'm always hoping he'll do more some day.


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Well, in Lonely Place of Dying, him figuring out their identities has a lot less to do with being a good detective, and more happenstance that he was there the night Dick's parents died and it left a very lasting memory. Right place, right time.

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Dudley Soames got his head twisted around by Blockbuster, and is now going around shooting people with a tommy gun and mirrored glasses, leaving palindromes at the crime-scenes. It's such a goofy m.o., but it works for the kind of zany bad guys Nightwing should fight, imo.

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I still like Dick and Clancy's dynamic, but he always has to run off and be Nightwing when they try to have a date or spend any time together, so they never have a chance to have a relationship.

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This issue is also when Dick first brings up becoming a cop. I get why people don't like this now, but I also see why Dick would go down this route. He grew up working with Jim Gordon, he's still working out the best way to help Blüdhaven, and he tends to overextend himself.

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But this issue isn't perfect, and it starts a trend of misrepresenting Dick's dating life.

He dated Kory for 10 years irl, they were serious.
There was never a romantic angle to Dick and Donna.
He went on one date with Miggie.

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Dick likes detective fiction, but only like, high brow detective fiction.

The Flash + Nightwing

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