

I like to make Friday Night Funkin' fan art and this is where I put it. Might be a lot of Pico x BF in here. Just a heads up.

フォロー数:52 フォロワー数:1339









Trying to get back on track with some They really do make me happy.

I'm going to be quiet for a bit while I try to finish the big thing. I want to get it out before the Q2 drop. Fingers crossed.

15 137

Celebrating a dubious milestone - my first time getting propositioned on Twitter! Alongside , whose engagement rate brings all the boys to the yard.

That's okay, we're out here making lemons into lemonade and creepers into cash! 🙃

5 20

More Sanrio stuff. No, I don't know why I wanted to draw BF and GF as the Little Twin Stars. All I know is every time I show this shit to my therapist, she tinkers with my dosage.

4 27

I realized shortly after finishing the other one that was also a property and that Retsuko would make a killer opponant.

Don't worry, Boyfriend won! It just really, really cost him. 🙂

22 80

Scene from the nonexistent mod "Friday Night Funkin': Sanrio Smackdown." It be cool if this actually existed, but whoever made it would probably be sued to hell and back.

3 21

Adding a new untagged update for 200 followers, but after this, I'm gonna space out my milestones more, so you all don't get too tired of seeing me. 😉

I thrive in obscurity and toil in darkness - kind of like a glow worm!

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