

I like to make Friday Night Funkin' fan art and this is where I put it. Might be a lot of Pico x BF in here. Just a heads up.

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Sometimes the Pico n' BF dynamic reminds me of Calvin & Hobbes, only with two boys instead of one. And no toy tiger. Also, the boys are dating. And one of them has a gun.

Come at me, Bill Watterson, you old hermit. 😉

20 145

"Good Morning"

Not shown: one wrecked set of sheets, two rudely-woken neighbors who almost called the cops last night.

12 124

"Stuck In the Wall: Pico Edition"!

Yeah, he's really not having this. I wonder if there's anybody he'd make an exception for? . . . 🙃

5 41

So many questions!

I went meta. I love this place, but you gotta admit that it can get a bit WEIRD here!

And yes, I know about the "Keith" thing. I was just trying to get to crack a smile.

11 147

"Funkin' in Your Sleep"

I guess I like to draw BF sleeping, but I think Pico likes it better when he's awake. 🙃

56 336

"Rooftop" - colorized

I will try to do as many future comics as possible in color.

25 166

"Christmas is Cancelled."

First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the Boyfriend!

4 48