Greenskin, TO, NEOさんのプロフィール画像

Greenskin, TO, NEOさんのイラストまとめ

Miniature Enthusiast: Warhammer(AoS, Warcry, 40k), Terrain, RPGs, Adepticon, Gencon, Flatcon, Siegeworld, Indystorm


フォロー数:550 フォロワー数:1180

You mean these... I don't know if they look as good, kind of clunky and lacks detail. But all modeling companies will have to worry about this. Could keep prices down though..

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Dear Red Gobbo,
I hav ben da best grot all yer loeng. I hav me Burfday close to Chrizmaz so we dun't get da shiny gubbinz! Yu mak Chrizmaz specul if da Giantz can get hearz in tyme!

-Yur Grot

ODT via

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I would say its breadstakingly long!

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