

A trans man's poorly run art account

フォロー数:686 フォロワー数:104

these LGBTQ art threads are fantastic, much so much love!❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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Howdy, I'm pan nb and ready for pride!

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Hello im your local gay trainwreck working on a new set for pride ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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Nice to meet you, Im pan nb and I'm so excited for pride I'm doing a hand held pride series there sunny and game boi are the first two ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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Hand held pride 💙💕💟💕💙
Sunny pocket station part of a set now!

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Pan nb I do pixel art and cute girls join me 💖💛💙

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Wanted to make of an lady with big tusks. My first orc design!

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Hello I'm nb pan I'm trash and I draw girls and cute things

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Im Pan nb trash, and I draw cute things and girls

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