

Hi,there! I finally decided to learn to draw. And with your help and support,guys,I certainly can do it!
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フォロー数:14 フォロワー数:1930

Finally beat that game! Kingdom Hearts final mix
I played in when I was in university but can't beat final boss, so now my gestalt is closed! Finally)) awesome game!! It's really brilliant. May be next art will be about KH

3 95

Lady Amane from Devil Survivor
Finally i beat that game! Now in DLC. It was awesome, DS becomes one of my favorite SMT games

10 123

Right now playing Devil survivor overclocked on 3ds. Amazing game. And few minutes ago I saw that there is anime based on that game. But I saw only Devil survivor 2. Anybody knows is there Devil survivor 1 anime and where I can watch it?)

2 39

Playing Repentance. What do you think? Is it good, or imbalanced and we need to wait some patches?

2 50