

Clobbers the hell out of timeclocks. Loves comics and its history.

フォロー数:1498 フォロワー数:2154

Man-Wolf, but only when drawn by George Perez. Jack Russell gets my vote for the rest of the time. Or maybe even shared with Wolfsbane.

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Would this be Marvel's Genesis?

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Maximum Security, 2000

The Marvel event NOBODY can remember.

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Some infamous comics that blue balled its readers.

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They tried a revival in 2011 that went nowhere. I didn't pick it up so I don't know if they picked up where the others left off or if they just tried to reboot it.

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For a brief moment in the early 2000's, George Perez stretched his muscles away from superhero comics, and it was glorious.

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Who's up next? Fingers crossed for Legion of Losers.

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Hulk's response here is another reason why Peter David's Hulk will always be in my Top 5 best runs of all time.

This levity right after a heavy AIDS issue. This era of Hulk was extremely versatile.

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