

Exiled from another planet in a parallel universe.

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:1868

Trevor Hairsine. Goblin Taskmaster. From Magic The Gathering: Onslaught. For some reason, goblin fighting school isn't as crowded on day two.

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Ron Spencer. Goblin Sledder. From Magic The Gathering: Onslaught. "Let's play ‘sled.' Here's how it works: you're the sled."

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Ron Spencer. Goblin Shrine. Enchantment Aura Land. From Magic The Gathering: The Dark. "I knew it weren't no ordinary pile of—you know." Norin the Wary.

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Kev Walker. Glowering Rogon. Creature Beast. From Magic The Gathering: Legions. A herd of one.

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Eddie Jones. From Cowley's Space Warriors.

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Dave Dorman. Glory Seeker. Human Soldier. From Magic The Gathering: Onslaught. The turning of the tide always begins with one soldier's decision to head back into the fray.

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Eddie Jones. From Cowley's Space Warriors. Didn't this guy do the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs ?

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David Jackson. From Caldwell's Star Quest. Cover art for André Caroff, Les sphères attaquent, Fleuve Noir, 1979 (Fleuve Noir - Anticipation series no. 950).

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Jeff A. Menges. Ghost Hounds. Dog Spirit. From Magic The Gathering: Homelands. An uncommon card,

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Jesper Myrfors. Ghazbán Ogre. From Magic The Gathering: Arabian Nights.

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