🔥 RedDeckTries 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

🔥 RedDeckTries 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

Cardfight Vanguard & Yu-Gi-Oh! & Digimon TCG & DBS CCG & MtG & MHA CCG & Pokemon TCG & Hexaorb Sorceress. He/Him. Profile @windupherogo & Header by @rododea95

フォロー数:680 フォロワー数:980
# edh

This art is "ewww". I want to sleeve up a copy sometime though, as I like how it has the potential to reward a player for good predictions. Or you can whiff completely and that kind of awesome too!

1 9

EDH is great but every now and then I get nostalgic for the classic 60 card kitchen table decks that it squeezed out of casual play. A card like Cylian Sunsinger is still playable due to copy effects, but it's days as a potential centerpiece are gone and I'll miss those.

1 16

Dawn of Hope is nearly 2 years old - how much do you feel its helped white in A look at its top played commanders on edhrec shows that its not until the 12th Legend that you get one that doesn't include a built-in way to gain life. Does Dawn of Hope do enough by itself?

0 16

Plauge Wind in the Command Zone that serves these looks? Hythonia is all about making big chairs and big mana ICONIC. https://t.co/yzz2ZxBxO9

1 4

A fascinating card that could see more play. Very flexible. Play it alongside Conquer for Mono-R ramp shenanigans.

0 6

Safe to say 2 years on that Enchanter's Bane has had very little impact on the format. It has a very nice ceiling but few people actually play just R and once you add other colours you have definitive answers. Even in Mono-R I know I keep cutting it for less passive cards.

2 9

Anybody have some fun with this?

0 4