

Human Rights, Exotic Pets, Cats, Dog, MTG,WoW, Art, shitposts, Product Owner, fuck tories. Comissions are closed permanently . He/Him

フォロー数:1258 フォロワー数:2427

I'm currently working on this, it's from a sketch I did recently and my wife wanted a finished version to hang up in her snug

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I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy. Other than art my favourite thing to do is to play magic the gathering in person(cant atm) and spend time with my wife! Here's two sketches, a WIP i'm pushing past sketch, and a finished piece!

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nr.23! This one was just lots of abstract shapes and colours wich I enjoyed, another one I might want to work more on later! 7 days left, will be doing another sketch artshare later today to see what everyone else has been doing:D

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Here is some red art! I hope you enjoy it:)

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Thanks for the I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy and I hope they make you happy too!

Here's some of my art!

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21! 10 to go, really enjoyed this one - I like these colours a lot, hope everyone likes it!

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nr.20! This one was fun!:D

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Hello! I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy and I hope they make you happy too!

Gonna tag

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I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy and I hope they make you happy too! I'm tagging

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nr.18 bit of an odd one but i think this could be fun to take to finished level later!

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