

18+ This twitter is for my art and my FA is furaffinity.net/user/rikuredo, my main twitter is @rikuredark

My Fantastic Icon is by Zaphyray!

フォロー数:46 フォロワー数:169

Some fun Dodongo TF with Valdo and Riku~ Man those pesky symbiotes really like to mess with ya

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Some fun sketches I did, ranging from a monodramon concept, 's digiboy Claw, and a shark riku and catfish cube!

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Hope you took a deep breath, all you're gonna see is Jin's gut for awhile!

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Forgot to post more art, so let's kick it off with a bigger pic I did! Caroway inviting Desce to a nice dance~

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Drew up a twinning summoner who got cursed into being a fat mouse! He deserved it, 100%.

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Came up with a new kitsune character thanks to my friend's help~! They're Liang! A bloodmage who casts magic via dancing instead of hand motion, though all that mass they gain for mana seems to have settled downwards~

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Wanted to try doing more lineart and shading! So here's Kori blasting some magic, watch out!

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Aand here's what Toxic's "plague" causes if his breath is inhaled. Sadly he's also affected by it, so his mask works to keep him from swelling out too!

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Junsei bulked up to sumo size! Normally he's much more covered since he hates the star markings on his rear and gut that were placed on him when he made a deal with his patron.
Worst of all they even shift colors and glow slightly when he's using his magic!

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Lance having issues after bursting out of his new shirt it'd seem~

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