

18+ This twitter is for my art and my FA is furaffinity.net/user/rikuredo, my main twitter is @rikuredark

My Fantastic Icon is by Zaphyray!

フォロー数:46 フォロワー数:169

Some fun chatting in a VC lead to to end up a mask like in majora, so of course you've gotta try putting him on to see what'll happen

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Another Odoshan pirate. This time the first mate Tarran! Seems he's having some wardrobe malfunctions with the one thing he tends to wear.

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A two-parter including of my characters Taida(the human) and Busho(the mask possessing him) enjoying a nice snack~

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I've always loved the outfits for space settings, especially Starfox. So here's Riku rocking a cool new uniform! He'd be one of the doctors in the medical bay, though you can't find a degree or anything hung up on his walls...

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A seahorse pirate from my world Odoshan hoisting up the sails! His name's Chiron!

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A bulky Exveemon inspired by the large stingmon pic

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Another character concept! Suro Shi, Thief turned partial-Lich due to some experiments done on him after he tried to steal from an actual Lich!

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Venarius again, with another venom effect, these definitely work out to some lovely results |3c

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A fusion of Riku and too many other random characters. Though it looks like all that mass went to good use!

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Drew up a pic of Desce floating along, had a lovely song with it!

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