

A lead designer on @LeagueOfLegends -Briar, Bel'Veth, Zeri, Jinx, Vi, Ekko, Jhin, Senna, Viego, Gnar, and Kayle -@TFT set 1 -Neon @PlayVALORANT

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Champion designer loses his sanity playing ranked League of Legends. I'm giving Viego 10 AA range every time I lose a game.

29 1116

Need something to fill the void, thought I'd Just Chat about game design for a bit if there's anything anyone wants to talk about.

2 145

Nothing to do on the holiday so thought I'd play a bit of League ranked. LF talented ADC player to heal 🥺

Will answer questions and whatnot between games. Feel free to stop by.

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Not counting VGU's, the last female Yordle was Lulu. She released on March 20, 2012, almost a decade ago. Super excited for Vex.

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Was thinking we could Just Chat about game design today. Maybe tier all the League of Legends ultimates. Maybe cry. I dunno

0 114

Sometimes I get Viego flame to the tune of: "How could the guy who designed Jhin and Jinx make this AbOmInAtIoN"

Whenever I hear that I can't help but wonder if they played against the two other melee champs I worked on at the time of their release.

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Thought I'd do a bit of Just Chatting about game design. Asking the important questions like: "Jinx buffs when?", "Which champ's Q would be the most OP in summoner spell book?", and "Why Viego?"

1 117

A little bit of Just Chatting about game design for all your design and League related questions. Still need to figure out how to do this better buuuuut I'm lazy

New !discord too, come join!

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My team comp is cracked

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