

A lead designer on @LeagueOfLegends -Briar, Bel'Veth, Zeri, Jinx, Vi, Ekko, Jhin, Senna, Viego, Gnar, and Kayle -@TFT set 1 -Neon @PlayVALORANT

フォロー数:535 フォロワー数:160642

"Please Ruin Me"

90 1887

I think there's a better way to build this champion and I'm going to prove it by going 0-10 every game. Wonder what nice things my teammates will say to me tonight.

Stop by stream if you want to play some games!

1 189

it's been a few weeks, but it's time to stream some BUFFED YORICK

1 241

Back to playing GWEN on PBE tonight! Imagine being an edgelord Darius player and getting killed by a DOLL.

Stop by if you'd like to join in or ask questions UwU

1 64

playing more Gwen on PBE tonight @ 10 pm PST.

Stop by if you want to see what she does! Add "Rito jinxylord" if you want to play.

3 63

Playing Gwen on the PBE. Stop by if you want to see how she works or ask questions!

1 78

Why do people flame me when I name my LoL account ViegOwO???

Trying to get back to diamond and then PRACTICING FOR THE YORICK BUFFS with viewers. Stop by if you want to play or talk about league!

1 122

I need to get diamond to gain the love and respect of my peers.

Ranked support games! Pls tell me how wards work.

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