Robert Kopeckyさんのプロフィール画像

Robert Kopeckyさんのイラストまとめ

Author of How To Survive Life (and Death) & How to Get to Heaven (Without Really Dying); Spiritual Speaker/Adviser, essayist, illustrator #NDE #HowToGetToHeaven

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How Spirituality, & Are the Same —“Perennial” Truths We Can All Use

How a "Perennial Philosophy" gives us 4 easy answers to Life's big questions

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The Trinity Withinity – Connecting Our Three Main Parts

Spiritually we see "Trinities" all over—like the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit; or The Buddha, Dharma, & Sangha...

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Tips for Happiness

The first tip for is also the easiest and the most fun. Give it a try for one – even better – two days, and see if it doesn't completely transform your life!

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Everyone wants to be free again—here's your path to liberation

Freedom isn't about lockdowns, $, or politics—It's about the spiritual that bring you real

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Why think with your head when you really can use your heart?

Medical science agrees with "a thinking heart"– the heart is an additional kind of brain that unites body, mind, and emotions.

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Are Women (Spiritually) Superior To Men?

Do we have a major problem with one of the two sexes?
If any other single group of people were responsible for such mayhem, there'd be an uproar!

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The Trinity Withinity – Connecting Our Three Main Parts

Spiritually we see "Trinities" all over—like the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit; or The Buddha, Dharma, & Sangha...

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Synchronicities Are Not Coincidences – They're Evidence of Our True Reality

What is really, and what is it showing us all the time?

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How Spirituality & Are the Same—“Perennial” Truths We Can All Use

This "Perennial Philosophy" gives us 4 easy answers to Life's biggest questions!

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are the majority in the U.S. then are a shrinking minority— how does big media show it differently?

Busting Out of the Media Bubble of Delusion

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