

PFP: @tyuret_mm || Cover: @LadyBerry_707 (((IDK WtF w/Life))) // 707'lover // HYPster // ObeyMe // +∞ fandoms 🏳️‍⚧️📝🎨🎮🎤🇲🇽 TRAPFoolies author

フォロー数:1103 フォロワー数:325

I'm having a serious issue: I need to know where to read by GayleChat even if I need to have Google Translate aside

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And this is my fav interaction of the last chapter❣️ I also gave my friends any gifts for the same reason 🤣 No shame‼️

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Reading seeing Rozy & Hawa's friendship is adorable and funny. You don't need to be the same kind of person to be good friends

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... OM... The use of the light and shadows... The deepness of the eyes... Fudge... Pang... You overdid this time ✨🥹❣️💜

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Acabo de encontrar una serie de llamada un bello trabajo de Takako Shimura. Estoy feliz de verlo pero triste de no haberlo encontrado antes... Me hubiera ayudado mucho cuando era joven 🏳️‍⚧️😊💖

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I just find that exist an anime/manga series named "#WanderingSon" (Japanese: ; It's a beautiful work by I'm pretty happy to watch it, but also so sad that I did not find it earlier... It would help me a lot when I was young 🏳️‍⚧️😊💖

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When suddenly I realize that I postes that is at 1 DAY to be released, but I had not postes anything on Twitter?!

Geezus... This lack on self promotion and social media management is causing me serious struggles 🫣💦

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Another for OC's 👯 with author 🧑🏻‍🏫🌹& artist🧑‍🎨🌷

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