Ryan North 🦖 🪄 🐶 💪 4️⃣さんのプロフィール画像

Ryan North 🦖 🪄 🐶 💪 4️⃣さんのイラストまとめ

NYT-bestselling Eisner-winning author.

🔗 ryannorth.ca
💌 secretpals.beehiiv.com
🦖 qwantz.com
📕 supervillainbook.com

フォロー数:1167 フォロワー数:80629

the french call comics "the ninth art" which is SO INSANELY CLASSY, so please enjoy this ninth art from a ninth artist on the ninth art about art


14 137

so angry that i can't wait to get even angrier, can't wait to slip these surly bonds of earth, put out my hands, and touch the face of So Much Angry That It's Fatal


58 185

Your friend and mine has a new YA novel out that's also part comics, KIND OF A BIG DEAL!! Those words are both the concluding clause of my sentence AND the title of the book!

Here's a fun interview about it!

9 48

bUT THE WorDS in tHe paSSwORd wILl AlL be DicTionarY WoRDs!! Not when I use my special keyboard where I rearranged all the keys, haters! CHECK AND MATE


21 119

Listen: here's an excerpt from the graphic novel version of SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE that and I have been working on for years! It comes out this September and it's going to blow your mind.


It's got Tralfamadorians AND beauty

85 339

sherlock holmes and the case of the thing he sucked so bad at


25 116

You won't believe which cardinality of well-ordered infinite sets is back, in pog form

24 153

honestly big into this idea of fem!Lore trying to prevent temporalKirk and temporalPicard from solving this warp field equation in 2^n-1 turns. can't stop thinking about computationally-efficient solutions to this problem.


8 39