

Blender things! The 3D kind not the tasty kind unfortunately.

also a PhD student

フォロー数:551 フォロワー数:1534

Saint 14, textured up in 4k and ready to rumble!⚔️

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editing fun :D
and like 50 minor modeling tweaks that aren't visible from here hehehe

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Saint 14! Mooore chest and arm hardsurface details! And some tactical pouches and straps and all that jazz
kthxbaii :D

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Work in progress Saint 14 model I've been working on! Saw Bungie release some Destiny 2 concept art and just had to model a wee bit more :D

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Portfolio day!
I am a hardsurface artist/hobbyist who works in and does a bunch of !!
Dat's pretty much it :D

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i hate rigging
like seriously - NOODLE HANDSS
that and a weird arm blob that came up after i moved his torso :P

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hhmhmmmhmmm, i dont know where to go with this guy, full scene, turn table render? hmm or maybe make a new batman, i really want to redo him at this point, so many things to fix 😩

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