

Anime streaming series, game and graphic novels about the extraterrestrial presence on earth.

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The Mantis beings are peaceful and very intelligent. That's why they were chosen as official ambassadors by the Galactic Federation on Sirius B.

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Aquatic alien beings are mostly found in the Sirius system. This particular one is from a star cluster called Beta Aurigae.

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Are the small Greys that show up in your bedroom in the middle of the night alien visitors or government experiments gone wrong? 👽👽👽

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The Nommo are an amphibuan race from Sirius B. They are one of the main seed races and seeded life on earth many millions of years ago.

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Most illustrations start with a sketch. In the case of the SKY GODZ poster/blue-ray cover, traditional pencils on a A3 board. Then inked by hand and colored in Photoshop. 🌈🌈🌈

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The Arcturian Crystal Gardens are the fountain of youth of the universe. They are maintained ny very highly evolved race of lightbeings.

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Every good mythology needs some villains and the key members of the Orion Empire certainly live up to the challenge. Top to bottom: Draconian, Orion Grey and Rigelian Grey hybrid.

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The Andromedans are a very old and telepathic race and live to an average age of 2000 years. They are blue and translucent and they can teleport with the power of their mind.

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There are many hybrid aliens across the universe. This is an example of a reptilian-grey hybrid being. Most likely from the Orion constellation. 👾👾👾

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Lots has been written about the cinnection between ancient Egypt and Sirius. How could the Egyptians have posessed all the astronomical knowledge unless they had been visited by the Sirians?

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