Sam Sykesさんのプロフィール画像

Sam Sykesさんのイラストまとめ

Fantasy author of Seven Blades in Black, the Bring Down Heaven Trilogy and An Affinity for Steel. Professional bear-wrestler. Friend of Humanity.

フォロー数:1507 フォロワー数:57867

once, did this illustration of Lenk from City Stained Red and my life has never been the same

12 157

oh heck, SEVEN BLADES IN BLACK is the kindle daily deal! All day long, it’s a mere $3 on eReader! If you’ve been waiting for a story about wizard revenge, murderbirds and magic boomsticks, now is the time! Please spread this news far and wide!

163 606

Great news, Vagrants! SEVEN BLADES IN BLACK has gone into its FIFTH PRINT RUN! Gratitude to everyone at who worked so hard on this and ESPECIALLY to all of you who have bought books. Thank you, all.

45 645

In D&D, the Goblinoids consist of overbearing and uptight Hobgoblins, nervous and insecure Goblins, and lazy and unmotivated Bugbears. Occasionally, they come together to form a great army and/or a modern sitcom in which they are all roommates trying to make it in the big city.

64 511

look, it's very simple
Demons are Chaotic Evil and are teeming and merciless
Devils are Lawful Evil and are cunning and disciplined
Yugoloths are Neutral Evil and are a bug, a jackal wearing glasses, Broadway from Gargoyles and Sword Alien

165 798

You, an idiot: "Art can be a great way to spread awareness of your books! Just don't go commissioning memes."
Me, a genius:
(art by and )

554 3686

I find myself charmed by D&D monsters who have extremely low ambitions.
A Hobgoblin dreams of conquering the world for his god and that’s fine, but a Troglodyte dreams of eating so much that he can’t move and I know which of those motives I relate to more.

284 1874

I've mentioned this before, but it truly is shocking how much of the monsters of D&D are made up of Evil Frogs

152 1005

Round three
-Kuo-Toa: Believes in things, just not yourself; sticky
-Bullywug: Often damp in inappropriate situations, fears judgment
-Flesh Golem: Underachiever, no one’s first choice, in rough shape but not bothered
-Piercer: Entire life strategy revolves around not moving

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