

百合モノ大好き!ストパニ、シムーン、ラブライブ好き過ぎてたまらないアニメ大好き!♡♡私は百合の国から来た猫の妖精さんですニャン♡百合猫ニャンニャン♡ #夏ちゃんのお料理教室 ぜひご覧下さいねー♡ 百合好きJD3回生でーすヾ(@╹◡╹@)ノ"

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Nagisa who is very tired by examination grind is sleeping on Shizuma's knee looks happy.🐹💕

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As tied her finger with Nagisa,she is so happy.🐹💕

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When Shizuma & Nagisa practied dance side of pool,they fitted it,and were tied lovely.🐹💕

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If Chiyo were between Nagisa & Tamao, she could sleep looks happy.🐹💕

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It is said that Tamao's determined serif is "tamarimasenwa".🐹💕

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Chikal actting Carmen of the leading role will show very brilliant performance.🐹💕

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Shizuma & Nagisa falled down accidentally and stared each other.What will happen from now on?🐹💕

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