

百合モノ大好き!ストパニ、シムーン、ラブライブ好き過ぎてたまらないアニメ大好き!♡♡私は百合の国から来た猫の妖精さんですニャン♡百合猫ニャンニャン♡ #夏ちゃんのお料理教室 ぜひご覧下さいねー♡ 百合好きJD3回生でーすヾ(@╹◡╹@)ノ"

フォロー数:253 フォロワー数:1051

Nagisa who transfered to Miator women's school got lost and arrived at the fountain, and met the magnificent girl.🐹💕

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The leader of "μ’s" is "Eri" ,who act as student president moreover talented woman.🐹💕

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Have you ever seen lily cluster tweeting of lily anime? In Twitter such persons are many & many,so I'm happy.🐹💕

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In Strike Wiches, "Sanya" & "Eila" are the best lily couple which we call them "Sweet duet". This scene is rendezvous on satellite orbit.🐹💕

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It is indispensable that lily cluster should supply lily's component, so I have been talking about it to get love of lily's essence.🐹💕

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I take it for granted that lily cluster delusion "Love live" as lily.🐹💕

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It is happy whether "Love liver" will become real lily cluster.🐹💕

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