

百合モノ大好き!ストパニ、シムーン、ラブライブ好き過ぎてたまらないアニメ大好き!♡♡私は百合の国から来た猫の妖精さんですニャン♡百合猫ニャンニャン♡ #夏ちゃんのお料理教室 ぜひご覧下さいねー♡ 百合好きJD3回生でーすヾ(@╹◡╹@)ノ"

フォロー数:252 フォロワー数:1044

Nagisa who transfered to Miator soon explored dormitory of strawberry by her friend's guidance.
It is exiting event.🐹💕

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Chiyo hoped that Nagisa become Etoir.If Nagisa is Etoir, is she like this?🐹💕

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As Shion in Spica's student president hope that Etoir is elected from her school's students, she made the plan.🐹💕

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Nagisa had been getting taught from Shizuma proficient in French, but not necessarily the result was good.🐹💕

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Etoile Shizuma used to take care of the flower on the greenhouse.
Today Nagisa is helping her work together.🐹💕

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Shion in Spica's student president disputed the decision which Miyuki in Miator's student president did.🐹💕

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Maybe Amane is attracted to Nagisa,that's all,she is attraction,isn't her?🐹💕

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On wearing school swimwear for Nagisa, everybody complimented her as cute.🐹💕

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It will not be long before "Nagisa", "Tamao" and "Tubomi" start cleanning up "Omido" as maid.🐹💕

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