Shirley Hughesさんのプロフィール画像

Shirley Hughesさんのイラストまとめ

Run on behalf of Shirley Hughes. Author illustrator of children's books incl Alfie, Dogger, Hero on a Bicycle & co-creator of Dixie O'Day Photo Lizzie Mayson

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:27050

As Twelfth Night approaches we’ll be looking at Burning the Tree, in the collection Stories by Firelight.

William and Grandpa were taking down the tree. They wrapped the two little glass birds and the angel with golden wings in tissue paper and put them away.

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Dogger’s Christmas was published in 2020. Dedicated to her children Ed, Tom and Clara, it was Shirley’s final book. Shirley was thrilled by the response to the story.

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I’ll be posting from a different one of Shirley’s Christmas stories each day this week. To start, My Naughty Little Sister and Father Christmas.

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Todays pages are taken from Snow in the Garden. You’ll also find them in Out and About.

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Great-Uncle Will suggested that perhaps he and Alfie might go out and test Alfie’s new scooter.

Alfie’s Christmas

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Alfie was helping with the cooking. He made some delicious biscuits in the shape of Christmas trees.

When they had finished decorating the tree they switched on the fairy lights and left the curtains open so that all the people passing by could see it.

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Grandma gave Frankie and Mae a hug and said it was the best Christmas play she had ever seen.
Then Dad said he had a big surprise for them. They had a new baby sister born that morning.

Angel Mae and the Christmas Baby is in the Snow in the Garden collection

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‘I’m going to be the angel Gave-you!’ Mae told Frankie.
‘Angel who?’ said Frankie.
‘Angel Gave-you! A very special angel said Mae proudly.
‘Gave me what?’ asked Dad.
‘Just Gave-you. That’s my name in the Christmas play.’

Snow in the Garden collection

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The flat where Mae and Frankie lived was on the third floor. There were a good many stairs because there wasn’t a lift. Mum got tired carrying up the shopping. Mae got tired too. She wished she could be carried.Mae was much too old to be carried

Angel Mae and the Christmas Baby

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These pages are from Snow in the Garden

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