Dr. Wen Leans Right - Parody of a Parodyさんのプロフィール画像

Dr. Wen Leans Right - Parody of a Parodyさんのイラストまとめ

Public wealth professor. Author of Deathlines. Surge price physician. Contributing propagandist @WashingtonPost
@CNN Financial analyst. Bad Mom. Parody.

フォロー数:21845 フォロワー数:48790

If pick Howard Dean over to run the DNC, they're beyond repair. Dems either stop fighting reform or lose again.

341 466

After rigging the primaries, the least the Democratic Party can do is change their name.

223 425

Hillary and Democrats have lost their way. Documented proof of election rigging + debate cheating by DNC chair . Still employed

149 153

The real Democratic candidate is uber Republican Kaine. Hillary will be pardoned + drop out for "health" reasons. Inspiring

69 94

CNN just said "this email ruckus may energize Hillary's voters." Nice try with the spin. Public Hillary's a trick. HAPPY HALLOWEEN

132 163

is trending and the White House is backing Comey. Happy Halloween!

136 172

Paying back donors by passing TPP, expanding fracking and deregulating all industries is is why she shouldn't.

295 289

Ignoring election rigging, media collusion, PayToPlay, overt corruption and a Nixon level cover-up documented by

469 561

I'm voting for Jill, but if you're voting for Hillary or Trump to vote against Hillary or Trump, I understand.

132 226

is code for "no evidence." already and Hillary hasn't produced any fakes because there aren't any.

197 244