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Hillary says #DNCLeaks and #WikiLeaks are Russian. That makes her vulnerable to blackmail. Good how? #HackingHillary
Hillary transparency: opening a pre-opened pickle jar on TV to resolve #HillarysHealth questions.
Hillary's last press conference was 262 days ago. Can we ask about #DNCLeaks and #PayToPlay? No.
Hillary is inevitable? #SaysWho? She's on video perjuring herself to Congress under oath repeatedly. #BernieOrJill
Just watched a Hillary pundit on TV lying...about Hillary lying...about lying about the emails. #Demexit
Hillary was the least liked/trusted Democrat in history BEFORE we knew the election was fixed. Prepare for #DemExit
DNC propagandists are trying to tone down our strongest voices. They won't silence Nina, or us. #ImWithNina #DemExit
Hillary is so historically disliked and distrusted that the Green party just became relevant.
#DemExit #JillNotHill
Hillary's outspending this idiot 15-1, just to be tied. The idiot's right, she's guilty.
#DemsInPhilly #BernieOrBust
The least liked/trusted Democrat in history stole our votes. Hire her and we quit the party.
#DemsInPhilly #DemExit