

Wikimedian, Wikimedia Laureate, citizen scientist, digital curator, volunteer, nature nerd, wine geek, partner & mum. She/her. Other contact links see my Orcid.…

フォロー数:2092 フォロワー数:5075

'Tis calm and sunny in Wellington so I've got all the windows and doors open, airing out the house. The tūī in the tree near my deck is singing its heart out and all is good in my world.

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Eking out every bit of information from a variety of sources for a rarely collected moth.

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Or the doctoral advisor/student graph for University of Otago

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Sometimes when writing a article I realise that taxonomically the species is a dogs breakfast. Take as an example. One species name, likely covering two NZ species, and also contains moths that are an agricultural pest to coconuts in Asia.

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To flick through this amazing book digitally see I LOVE the illustrations by Sarah Ann Drake 1803-1857 and Augusta Innes Withers 1792-1877.

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Jeeze Wayne! Daughter making guacamole with avocados I was ripening for Xmas salad. I could scream!

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Looking through the Flickr feed & came across this little cutie of a spingtail. Currently named Dicyrtomina saundersi. But when I was searching the synonym it lead me to entomologist Alma Drayer Jackson. Into she goes.

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Just popped in to see . Feeling so much better.

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Looking through and loving the artwork of Charles Frederick Millspaugh. Images via contributed by

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That time of year when I start to put out sugar water for the native birds (and sparrows!). I'm currently be serenaded by a tūī who has just discovered the bowl.

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