Daily Sonally ARCHIVE (Quit following please.)さんのプロフィール画像

Daily Sonally ARCHIVE (Quit following please.)さんのイラストまとめ

An account dedicated to the ship of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sally Acorn. Acc owner: @VioletNerves

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:621

Issue 7, "Sorceress in distress"
Robotnik, under the impression that Sally is a sorceress forces marriage onto her, but due to orders she gave to Sonic and Antione earlier, Sonic is stuck on how to help her. When Robotnik asks Sally to demonstrate her powers, Sonic gets an idea.

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/Issue 3 of Sonic Super Special has Sally colored in her canonical color scheme, but when the story was originally published, she had her orange color scheme. 2nd pic is proof of Sally's color scheme from the original story and 3rd is the same panel from Sonic Archives Volume 0./

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Issue 1, "Sonic the Hedgehog in: Fast Food!"
Sonic finishes making his personal chilidog recipe when Sally comes into the kitchen. He comments on the lack of joke until he notices her with a coconut cream pie. In response, she slams the pie in his face.

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Issue 256, "Countdown to Chaos: The Princess and the Hammer"
Sonic and Sally reunite in the rewritten Mobius.

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Boomer mentions that ruins like these are usually filled with air pockets, so they'll be fine. Sonic then mentions that he can't swim, but Sally says Sonic will be fine with her by his side. The two grasp hands and Sonic asks her to lead the way. The duo dive in together.

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Issue 227, "Genesis: Friends and Fate"
The group enters Labyrinth Zone and comes across an obstacle. It seems that the only way to continue is to dive into the water. Sonic is very much against this idea.

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Issue 225, "One Step Forward"
Tails manages to blast an entrance into the Death Egg. Sonic picks up Sally as they plan on going in together. Sonic cracks a joke as usual, and Sally responds with:
"Oh, shut up and kiss me for luck."

Sonic obliges.

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Issue 207, "Blackout"
Sally pays a visit to Bunnie after the latter was temporarily put out of action thanks to The Iron Queen. Mid-Conversation, Bunnie asks for the "real" reason as to why Sally came over.

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Sonic replies that he agrees that the Kingdom and their kids are more important than his well-being by a long shot. Sally says fine, and then for him to be careful and be safe, which Sonic says he will. Both end the conversation in agreement and with a kiss.

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Sonic notes the irony of a Prince being excited about a TV appearance, only for Sally to point out that he really isn't any different. Sonic admits that she's got him there.

Sally notices how tense Sonic is, which is due to a public speech Sonic must give the next day.

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