

Just out here drawing plants and critters. Graphic designer during the day.…

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It’s time again to kick off Spider Season! It’s that wonderful time of year when the mega arachnids come out to seek mates and your home becomes a very active spider Tinder. But don’t worry - they aren’t poisonous, and as my mom used to say, they’re more…

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Portrait of Rudy, a beautiful dog who has passed on. Thank you, , for letting me paint him!! 💖

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My weird little cat, Roxy. Her favorite activity is sitting in the grass in the sun, so here she is. 😸 .
I’m thinking about doing pet portraits on commission. Is that crazy? Lemme know if that sounds ridiculous or maybe if you’re interested. . .

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Tried something a little different today; instead of watercolor over ink, I left the pencil sketch and added watercolor to it, for a more casual style. I don’t know how successful it was but it was enjoyable to work on.

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As always my main goal is just to draw something every day. I have more than one project I should be working on but sometimes I just wanna draw something I love. So here’s a fat little fox. .

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More on my favorite flower! It’s wild how many varieties there are. .

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A primrose I’ve never had before this year. I love the sturdy perennial primroses but this sweet thing is a short-lived beauty.

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How about a nice slice of pumpkin pie?

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Some happy little sedums in ink and watercolor. 😊 .

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Watercolor sketch of my coworker’s very sweet dog. He comes to visit at work and makes everyone smile. .

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