

I'm not here anymore.

フォロー数:1507 フォロワー数:581

In honor of I'd like to acknowledge Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon, the anime that was basically my gateway anime and also just how queer it was from beginning to end.

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Boomer humor CAN be funny. I think the key is avoiding making jokes at the expense of other generations, phones, video games, spouses or current trends.

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Hee ho! What about Hairy Jack?

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Everyone who didn't watch Rugrats growing up: Can you believe they made Betty DeVille a lesbian in the reboot?
Everyone else: Well ... duh ...

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This is why I am not satisfied with an LGBTQ character being added to a story for the sake of tokenism. Because in dubs/edits you can pretend it never happened. Good representation comes where you can't edit it out without fundamentally changing the story.

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There was an anime from 1988 called Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers which was localized later as Ronin Warriors. I had completely forgotten about it until watching a Youtube video that casually mentioned it. I probably forgot about it because ninjas are cooler than samurai.

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I'm not a conservative, but usually I can understand the points most conservative political cartoonists are trying to make even if I don't agree with them. This however ... I can't seem to explain other than ... I guess it's the artist's weirdly specific fetish laid bare?

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I dunno why, but I was just thinking about oekaki and how a LONG LONG time ago I tried my paw at it. It kind of baffled me how people could make amazing art with it at the time and to be honest I am still kind of baffled. Here's some of the art I did during that time.

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Evolution according to Digimon.

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