

La Grande Bellezza della Storia della Medicina raccontata con passione e competenza.

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of 1910 Vivien Theodore Thomas was born. He was an american laboratory supervisor who developed a procedure used to treat blue baby syndrome in the 1940s.

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The great italian anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachio died on august of 1574 at the age of 64. He described the tuba auditiva, which was named after him.

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Treitz's ligament takes its eponym from the czech Václav Treitz who described it for the first time in 1853. He was one of the first to support thesis and died of 1872 at the age of 53.

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Jean Cruveilhier (1791-1874) was a french pathologist. His fame is linked to the works like an atlas full of tables of the greatest interest. He illustrated his findings with the stories of the sick, always keeping close to the practice of

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Valverde's most famous work was "Historia de la composicion del cuerpo humano", first published in Rome, 1556. The original illustrations were most likely drawn by Gaspar Becerra, and the copperplate engravings are thought to have been carried out by Nicolas Beatrizet.

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of 1888 was born Ivan Magill. He was a pioneer of he performed the first intubation (blindly) of the trachea and he was responsible for many instruments used in and

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The pathologist Paul Langerhans was born of 1847. The islets of the that produce and the dendritic cells of the bear his name.
More than 50 years will pass from his of pancreatic islets to that of insulin.

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Two images of a from one birth the booklet of Eucharius Rösslin (1470 ca - 1526), on the other the famous image of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) taken from his "Quaderni di Anatomia". Unlike work was never published.

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of Karl Friedrich died at the age of 71. His work on the of the and nervous system introduced a number of names. It was published in three volumes "Vom Baue und Leben des Gehirns" (1819-1826).

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William Thomas Green died in 1868 at the age of 40. In 1846 he publicly used for the first time successfully in first for a dental extraction and then for was born.

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