

Strong stable news - speaking truth to power. Looking to make the world a better place, now & for future generations...Feel free to share #StrongerStabler

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World-Beating mismanagement of the by Boris Johnson has left 60,000 dead. He dithered over lockdown and has dithered over mandating the wearing of masks.

This Goverment are a disaster and need to be held to account!

99 180

UK has Personal Protective Equipment which isn't even WHO standard. In the front lines, NHS staff are put at huge risk with a paucity of masks, gloves and aprons - and those they have are sub-standard!

52 44

Rishi Sunak ominously proclaimed: ''We will re-examine human rights laws''

The Tories are looking to tear up your rights - in order to profit the rich!

372 455

Boris Johnson admitted hospital waiting times are 'unacceptable'. Heath Sec Matt Hancock said the targets will be scrapped altogether - after hitting the worst rate on record...They've normalised substandard healthcare, leaving us all at risk with

47 53

Boris Johnson admitted that hospital waiting times are 'unacceptable'. Heath Secretary Matt Hancock hinted that the targets should be scrapped altogether - after hitting the worst rate on record...They're normalising substandard healthcare!

153 205

Boris Johnson & Dominic Cummings are still putting off releasing the report into the involvement of Russia in skewing UK's democratic processes.

It was ready for release in March 2019...there is no excuse left...

167 175

New Chancellor 'Rishi Sunak ominously proclaimed: ''We will re-examine human rights laws''

The Tories are looking to tear up your rights - in order to profit the rich!

338 345

Boris Johnson is in hiding.

The Tories are only sending out one minister a week to field all TV scrutiny.

This isn't normal. What is Johnson's government doing?

146 230

The new Environment Secretary, George Eustice, has always voted against measures to protect against climate change.

His Climate Score is 0% for his commitment to the issue:

Boris Johnson is trolling those trying to

77 81

The new Environment Secretary, George Eustice, has always voted against measures to protect against climate change.

His Climate Score is 0% for his commitment to the issue:

Boris Johnson is trolling those trying to

40 35