

he/him - artist draws Femme Fatale/mostly BoF/SaGa/FE fanart and SnekLadies (Deis and Fanha)!
- Do not reupload my art without permission.

フォロー数:559 フォロワー数:211

I can't just end this day without drawing her🥺!
30th anniversary

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Today I have drawn Yunaka! Her boots are really awesome!

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As per usual I am drawing today my favorite snake god Deis and High Priestress Ray from Breath of Fire 2!
I love my headcanon! :>

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Some idea which came through the breath of fire discord.
Let's be honest who on us can be angry at Myria. She just is the clumsy goddess who wants the best for everyone!

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Castti shutting up Particio. Ah, a surprised face on Particio would have been nice, but still need practice for that.
Also crediting regarding reference on arttips for kissing.

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Temenos: "Doubt, that's what I do".

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The last weeks I played a lot Octopath Traveler 2 and I really enjoyed the game.
But now I take more time again for drawing and here is some Castti and Partitio!

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Lucia made her Fire Emblem Heroes debut last week, I was so hyped and started drawing her. :> Took me a bit though! And I made her shoulders rather broad..

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Soon! Have drawn Throné from
I am so hyped! :>

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