

Howdy! Just a person who likes to draw things. Thanks for stopping by.

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Thanks for the opportunity to share, Grey! Here's some of my recent art!

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Damn, it's only been 2 years. HOLY FUCK WHAT DID I EAT TO GET THESE GAINS??????

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2017 - 2022
Same ol' tired resting bitch face. lol
Started growing my hair out in 2020.
Became less fashionable.
Still rocking the white chucks.

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I was looking through all the art I made last year and apparently these are only 6 months apart. FUCKING HOW??!?!??

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First post of 2022! Everyone's favorite rabbit girl!

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Popcat Klee is probably top of the list. I spent a stupid amount of time on it. Every time I remember it's in my folders I laugh. It's even better since I hardly know what Genshin Impact is in the first place.

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