

Howdy! Just a person who likes to draw things. Thanks for stopping by.

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Even though I've been on a big videogame kick lately, I will eventually get back to drawing anime stuff! Doing a collab with so many cool artists would be awesome!

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Thank you for this opportunity to share! I'm a very small account under 100 and am so close to that milestone!

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I tried my hand at drawing in the Castlevania style. Line art hard, coloring easy. 😭

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This one takes the cake for out of my comfort zone. Drawing an actual person and capturing their likeness is not something I've done before.

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🎯QRT with your improvement!🎯

You've seen my improvement enough times but I'll keep shouting about it because HOLY FUCK

2020 - 2022

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I'm proud of the way that I draw and render hair. It's not anything too crazy, but I really do have fun when I do the hair.

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Did a couple sketches from memory last night to unwind. :)

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Please go check out Her cosplays are fucking great!

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Yu Yu Hakusho is my all time favorite!

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Trying to knock off some of the rust with a Ryuko sketch

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