Memento Moriさんのプロフィール画像

Memento Moriさんのイラストまとめ

God is the only reality. - Fr. Gabriel

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The Joyful Mysteries

The Annunciation - For the love of humility

The Visitation - For charity towards neighbors

The Nativity - For the spirit of poverty

Presentation in the Temple - For the virtue of obedience

Finding in the Temple - For the virtue of piety

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The Holy Guardian Angels

The guardianship of the faithful is given by God into the hands of the angels. An Angel, visualizing an end to be attained, sees instantly the means necessary to achieve it. They preside over all created things, and they assist us in all our actions.

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The Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel

Michael means "who is like unto God", which recalls the combat that took place in heaven between the holy archangel and the devil. St. Michael was the protecting angel of the synagogue, as he is now of the Church which succeeded it.

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St. Isaac Jogues and Companions, Martyrs (1642-1649)

Eight French Jesuits; six priests and two lay brothers. Five died in modern Canada, three in what is now the United States. Working for the conversion of the Hurons, they were taken prisoners and tortured by the Iroquois tribe

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St. Eustace (120)

He was a general under Emperor Trajan. While hunting he found a stag with a crucifix glowing between its antlers, and was instantly converted. After refusing to sacrifice to idols, he was arrested and, with his wife and two children, roasted inside a brass bull

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The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." (Gen. III. 15.)

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The Beheading of St. John the Baptist

The Gospel recounts his martyrdom. St. John boldly reprimanded Herod for adultery. "It is against the law," he told the king, "for you to take the wife of your brother." Herodias and her daughter requested Herod to have St. John beheaded.

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"Fair son, the first thing I would teach thee is to set thine heart to love God; for unless he love God none can be saved. Keep thyself from doing aught that is displeasing to God... thou shouldst suffer every manner of torment rather than commit a mortal sin." - St. Louis IX

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St. Roch (1327)

After the death of his parents he joined the Third Order of St Francis. During a plague, he tended to the sick and effected many cures by prayer and making the sign of the cross. Falling ill himself he withdrew into a forest where a dog brought him food everyday.

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"Never forget that the way which leads to heaven is narrow; the gate leading to life is narrow; that there are but few who find it and enter by it; and if there be some who go in and tread the narrow path for some time, there are but very few who persevere therein." - St. Clare

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