

A war-gaming hobbyists and painter of miniatures. Taranis Owners Club, Titan Owners Club, YouTuber, Warcradle Warhost.…

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that time when I had 80% of my built and painted before day of release and
how it ended up. 😊🤘🏻

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Good afternoon my fellow Princeps, for today’s I thought that I’d just do a compilation of the warlord Titans in my collection.

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Even though I have painted Dark Angels/Disciples of Caliban, I have never painted up any Death Wing. 😮

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This was quite a difficult one for me but seeing as this won me a Finalist pin (see base) for the Golden Demon, I think that is adequate enough for this post. I tag you amigo. 😊

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One of my favourite memes that I’ve made. 😊😂

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I was tagged by to share my four favourite paint jobs so here’s mine and I tag in turn

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