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@LiquidBard This Chatot looks like he's judging you but he's just very focused on trying to imitate your voice perfectly! + lure ball
@TheElfBuben This smart Snivy wants to join you!! + net ball
@eiji_yoshihara This Magmar wants to help you at your work as a blacksmith!! He seems very lively + repeat ball
@WenonaTheSpider This Zoroark (Hisui) is very resentful toward human(oid)s but he seems to feel at ease when he's with you + premier ball
@thaumologist This Mismagius feels drawn towards you and it seems like he wants to help you! You swear you left your tools right there... where is it? You hear a soft laugh + luxury ball
@EnaraHops This Cinccino loves cuddles (and cleaning)!! His furr looks comfy... + premier ball
@bidoosy This Bidoof is a bit clumsy and forgetful... but he has a fierce conviction: he wants to be like you! He might get distracted when he sees food tho + nest ball
@Yokonie_ This playful Dewgong is doing water acrobatics to catch your attention!! + dive ball
@muppet_vt This Liepard really likes your style and he would like to join you!! + moon ball
(I'm curious now, which one if your fav?👀)
@SuguchiAffu A very special (mega shiny) Lopunny walks towards you, sure of herself. She wants to join you in your adventures! + luxury ball