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@FooeyFred This Porygon2 is eager to help you at work! Will you let him? (He's a bit clumsy but he means well!!) + repeat ball
@noble_coconut This tiny Taillow is following you around! + quick ball
@KressSilversail This jumpy Wooper approaches you! He wants you to swim with him!! + dive ball
@ElectroguyT This tiny Minccino loves cleaning so he will protect you and make sure you don't get wet!! + nest ball
@Muffinkingdom1 This chonky Marill wants to go with you, he will love you forever if you bring him to swim to a lake or a swimming pool from time to time! + quick ball
@YokaVT This Zorua is actually pretty chill for a Zorua, or that's what he wants you to believe... + repeat ball
@arnowrld This cute Ribombee would like to join you in your adventures!! + heal ball
@springygamer87x This Gardevoir has an aura of elegance around her, she seems to respect you and she would like to join you! + luxury ball
@Shatterstar7385 This Gliscor thinks you are really cool, he likes your style!! + dusk ball
@JacobToknom This Noivern is very active at night and kinda lazy at morning. He will immediately wake up if you're in troublev tho! + level ball