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@VTdara This Axew feels drawn to you for some reason... will you take care of him? + friend ball
@solar2099 This fancy Meowstic approaches you, she looks cautious but she seems to like you! + moon ball
@SomeLazyMagic This tiny Teddiursa was lost, will you take care of him? + turn ball
>I'm not a Professor, I would be more like a Pokémon Breeder, taking care of them!
@VTChara30 A Leavanny approaches you with a... hoodie? He made it and he's proud of it! Would you wear it? + net ball
@MinaMarieAnko This elegant Liepard wants to go with you, he loves relaxing and prefers Pokémon Contests over fights + moon ball
@fox_eese This Sunflora wants to join you!! He feels at ease around you! + ultra ball
@Mechwolfunit This Treecko suddenly jumps from a tree right in front of you, he seems interested in joining you on your adventures!! + dusk ball
@HeyItsHeavenly This Lycanroc thinks you are super cool and wants to go adventuring with you, he will make sure you are safe out there!! + dusk ball
@LiteralSoup4 When you ask for a Psyduck, this little one raises his hands towards you! It's a special one!! + ultra ball
@osric_teller This chonky Rowlet lands on your shoulder and looks at you, I think he wants headpats!! + net ball