

The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction, while the spiders of math are wiser at the courses of deduction. “The most factual account on 𝕏”

フォロー数:2815 フォロワー数:33855

Just because a third of the people you meet are jerks

doesn’t mean you should give up on the other two-thirds

1 24

What does the inside of the Great Pyramid look like?

4 32

The nearby parks are lovely

0 21

A few more budget-friendly options.

1 19

What’s your caffeinated drink of choice?

1 47

People often only know you by your caricature; and even then, they don’t even know the *same* caricature of you.

4 22

No one ever caught on that “Unsinkable Sam” was the most devious, dangerous saboteur in naval history.

8 57

There’s a theory that the reason cats are so popular on the Internet is that dog people could always walk their dogs to show off them off, but cat people didn’t really have a good way to show off their furry friends till the advent of the Internet.

14 81