

The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction, while the spiders of math are wiser at the courses of deduction. “The most factual account on 𝕏”

フォロー数:2815 フォロワー数:33855

Distracting you with my 8:23 pm joke tweet while I rush off to go write my 9 pm joke tweet.

3 38

You will never see a Mēxihcah priest worshiping Quetzalcoatl atop the Great Pyramid;
You will never play ōllamaliztli in the stone ball court with your life on the line if you lose;
You’ll never be a jaguar warrior in a land free of smallpox.

6 50

Me (bottom left) politely but impatiently waiting for the grown-ups to stop their conversation so I can ask if I can grab a cherry ice pop from the freezer.

2 39

My favorite: Giraffatitan

0 8

What’s your favorite dinosaur?

3 45

Have the ants been particularly bad for anyone else this spring?

2 37