

interests: carnivorous plants forests deserts mangroves coral reefs fungi lichen reptiles invertebrates birds mammals amphibians fish The Beatles karate🥋

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This is Pink see-through fantasia, a swimming sea cucumber. As you can see, it's translucent enough to see its digestive system.
(Photo: Laurence Madin)

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Oldest Frog Relative from North America Could Fit on Your Pinky Finger https://t.co/CaCSDJEobd

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Spectacled flying fox declared endangered after Queensland heatwave wipeout https://t.co/YDQiIpTNSt

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The weird and beautiful life hiding in Antarctica’s frigid depths https://t.co/yXuvqic9Yc

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Bats and dolphins evolved echolocation in the same way (down to the molecular level). An analysis revealed that 200 genes had independently changed in the same way and this is an extreme example of convergent evolution https://t.co/70u8woAg5k

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Today is marking what would have been author A. A. Milne's 137th birthday.
the famous fan of hunny was named after a real-life Winnie (short for Winnipeg), an American black bear (Ursus americanus) who Christopher Robin met

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From dinosaurs to giant sharks, hundreds of new species of animals, minerals, plants, algae and foraminifera have been described by Museum researchers this year 🌿🦈🐛 https://t.co/arFXZgK4Jk

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36 animals lost to history due to human activity. (Credit Alan Bernau Jr)

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Upsettingly Large Fungus in Michigan Weighs 440 Tons and Is 2,500 Years Old https://t.co/4c59HOBkpZ

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