

interests: carnivorous plants forests deserts mangroves coral reefs fungi lichen reptiles invertebrates birds mammals amphibians fish The Beatles karate🥋

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David Attenborough has a ton of species named after him, and we wrote about (almost) all of them. Presenting: The Attenboroughs: https://t.co/n5WLFyCAHq

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36 animals lost to history due to human activity.

(Credit Alan Bernau Jr)


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Hybrids reveal the barriers to successful mating between species https://t.co/WLJxitrHhR rt

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Beautiful & Outlandish Color Illustrations Let Europeans See Exotic Fish for the First Time (1754) https://t.co/0LDZ9qwA5j rt

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Flamingos are better at standing on one leg than on two: https://t.co/M42O9zRUNB rt

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Two Million Wondrous Nature Illustrations Put Online by The Biodiversity Heritage Library https://t.co/KjlPICIIBu rt

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Researchers discover poorly understood bacterial lineages in the mouths of dolphins https://t.co/wZLc6GNKrI rt

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Dinosaur-Age Shark with 300 'Frilled' Teeth Caught in Deep Sea https://t.co/JZoeiafE3r rt

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16th century 'zoological goldmine' discovered – in pictures https://t.co/6xJ3gwG84M rt

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